Thursday 12 September 2013

Bizarre venues to say “I DO”

Wedding is said to be starting of the new journey. What if, we start this journey from hell? Sounds crazy! Isn't it? But trust me there are people who love to do such crazy things at bizarre venues. This is how they took their love to the next level by getting married at haunted place or cemetery ground. This is not crazy I must say but for me it is actually insane.

By just the name haunted, have Goosebumps. What about the people who actually attended such wedding. We here are going to is discuss how people make their wedding ghostly or ghastly.

Bizarre wedding theme

In the race of doing things differently, people have crossed all the limits. They started choosing venues said to be hell for their wedding. Let’s see how a Halloween wedding is going to be. With such theme not only the couples feel excited but the guests also love to attend such parties.

Starting with the invitations, you can select something which makes your guest understand that it is going to be a Halloween party. Not only the look or design I am talking about but the content of the cards should be in the similar manner.

Now about the attire, with such weddings theme, bride and groom get themselves dressed like an incubus with bride carrying the wood cutter in her hand in place of bouquet.  Everyone dressed the part with the groom making his entry coming out of the coffin.

Not just the costumes which make it look real demon but the dining area and the cake made is also following the same theme. I name the cake as coffin cake as it is in the shape of coffin and bride and groom take sword in their hands to cut the cake. This is not the end; dining area is more or less like a Halloween party. Here you find every eatable but the look of that is what makes you feel horrified.

If we talk about the menu card, everything written on the card should signify that it is meant for demons only. Like on the table serving cocktails you can write “specialty cocktails Bride black magic Martini and groom’s pumpkins’ ale”

These ideas can really make your wedding a deathlike. If you are the one who loves to do things off the track, this is going to be one making all what we call impossible to possible. If you want some more wedding theme ideas, you can visit more blogs.

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